Opportunities are available to members of the community with various skills to join St John WA regional Sub Centres in a non-medical capacity.
Roles may vary based on the need at the Sub Centre in your local area.
If you have a specific skill or talent you believe would be beneficial to your local Sub centre, please feel free to contact us to discuss volunteersourcing@stjohnwa.com.au or 1800 069 393.
Step 1 - Apply to become a volunteer - Click Apply Now on the link on top of this page.
Step 2 - If your application is successful, you will be offered a volunteer position with your chosen Sub centre and will be contacted for next steps.
This application will take about 20 minutes to complete. If you cannot complete the application right now, you can click 'Save Progress' to save your work and come back at any time within the next 14 days.
There are 160 St John locations across regional Western Australia, which includes 141 sub centres that are volunteer-run locations with Community Paramedic support. In addition, there are 19 hybrid/career stations with a mix of Volunteer Ambulance Officers and Career Paramedics working side-by-side.
Free ambulance cover for yourself, spouse and dependents, as specified by St John Ambulance WA
Free uniform
Free training in all skills and clinical training relating to your volunteer role
Annual St John Conference and dinner dance in Perth, to which all volunteers are invited, with cost heavily subsidised.
National and international recognition for your volunteering and community contribution
Access to all Volunteer Member Benefits including corporate discounts and other ad hoc offers and specials.
To become a volunteer with St John Ambulance Western Australia, you will be asked to complete an online application, including a medical questionnaire and the following:
All our volunteers are provided with the necessary training to enable them to carry out their role.
To continue to operate in your role, you must maintain the competencies required and an appropriate level of fitness as roles are physically demanding.
All information concerning our volunteers is treated as strictly confidential at all times.
Your volunteering for St John Ambulance should not cost you anything.
We will reimburse all legitimate out of pocket expenses incurred during your time volunteering with us.
You should talk to your supervisor to confirm what expenses you can claim.
St John Ambulance has a long history of recognising the outstanding contributions volunteers make to the organisation.
We seek to recognise all volunteers and there are a number of distinguished national awards that you can be eligible for including our internal reward and recognition program.
Safety Injury & Support Services
Wellbeing & Support Services
Before you go....
Are you interested in joining our talent network?
Thank you for your interest in a career with St John WA we will be in touch
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